Leading professional training and project development organisation European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs (EAVE) will run its acclaimed Ties That Bind Asia/Europe Co-Production Workshop in Singapore in early December 2019.
In addition, EAVE and the NZFC are partnering on a special Ties That Bind On Demand Workshop for up to six experienced and emerging New Zealand producers to be held in Singapore from 4-6 December.
The On Demand Workshop will be led by producers, Fran Borgia (Akanga Film, Singapore) and Jonas Weydemann (Weydemann Bros, Germany) and feature a range of industry guest speakers. It will focus on developing knowledge of co-production, financing and legal considerations, and provide detailed information on the current Asian and European marketplaces. The format will be a mixture of masterclasses, co-production case studies, roundtables and group work sessions.
New Zealand producers selected to participate will also receive complimentary market registration for the Asia TV Forum & Market (ATF) / ScreenSingapore and the NZFC will facilitate engagement with leading Singaporean and wider Asian industry such as production companies, streamers and broadcasters.
Eligibility Criteria:
Experienced Feature Film Producers (with Feature Film Project)
- Up to four experienced producers will be selected to participate.
- Applicant must have completed at least one theatrically released fiction feature film as lead producer (N.B. preference for producers with prior official co-production experience).
- Producer must apply with a feature-length fiction film project (any genre) in development with strong potential to attract a co-producer, market partner and/or finance from Asia and/or Europe.
- Applicant must be the lead producer on the submitted project.
Emerging Feature Film Producers (without Feature Film Project)
- Up to two emerging producers with an interest in opportunities in/with Asia and/or Europe will be selected to participate as observers as a professional development and networking opportunity.
- Applicant may have experience producing television, short films and/or digital content, but not yet produced a theatrically released fiction feature film. Line producers moving into lead producing on feature films are welcome to apply.
Experienced and emerging producers selected to participate in the Workshop will receive a grant of NZ$5,000 (+GST) towards all travel, accommodation and related costs.
Application Process:
Eligible experienced and emerging producers must apply via email to international@nzfilm.co.nz by 5pm, Wednesday 9 October 2019. All queries should also be directed to this address.
All applicants must supply:
- a cover letter outlining why you wish to participate in the workshop and what you expect from it; and
- CV with filmography (including a list of projects in development, production/post-production and released – please specify if your film was released theatrically, on TV, DVD, VOD, etc.).
Experienced feature film producers must also supply:
- Synopsis (1-2 pages max) for the proposed feature film project.
N.B. Experienced producers selected for the Workshop must be able to supply more detailed project materials (producer's note, and director's notes [if a director is already attached ot the project], budget, finance plan, treatment [8-10 pages] and full screenplay) by early November 2019 for review and preparation by the Workshop leaders.