The 2020 Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts application round will open on Thursday 10 September.
This year the application process for Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts has been changed, making it simpler for teams to apply. Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts is now a two-stage application process.
At Stage One you will continue to need a writer, director and producer, and a written script is still required.
The rest of the Stage One application consists of:
- Vision – a directors vision (template provided) with five images in a PDF
- Team – CVs of key people (template provided)
- Team Video – a team video of up to 4 minutes
- Support – short paragraphs detailing additional financial or creative support you may have secured.
Criteria and requirements for assessing both Stage One and Stage Two are laid out in the guidelines which will be published on the NZFC website by Thursday.
A shortlist of 18 teams will be invited to submit a Stage Two application. This detailed application is the same as previous years to ensure all bases are covered, from pre-production to delivery, that health and safety is addressed and the team have all the support they require to make the film.
From the shortlist six projects will receive $15,000 grants. The teams behind each of these projects will attend a two day workshop 6-7 March 2021, be matched with an experienced industry practitioner and receive six weeks’ mentoring to get their project ‘shoot ready’. It has been our experience over several years that projects have greatly benefited from support to further develop the work before moving toward production.
Script to Screen and the NZFC will hold an online Q&A about this new application process for Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts on Thursday 17 September at 5:30pm.
A reminder that if you have any questions please contact the Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts Facilitator at Script to Screen: FreshShorts@script-to-screen.co.nz or ph: 09 360 5400.