The New Zealand Film Commission (NZFC) is pleased to release its Statement of Intent (SOI) outlining the organisation’s strategic objectives for the period 2017-2021 and its Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE) which reflects the organisation’s proposed performance targets and forecast financial information to 30 June 2018.
The SOI outlines the NZFC’s commitment to a long-term goal of ensuring New Zealand has a successful and sustainable screen industry. Five medium-term goals feed into this long-term goal, focusing on the areas of effective and diverse career pathways, increased economic activity, more eyeballs on films (here and overseas), more culturally significant films and more amazing, original, different and satisfying films.
Highlighted in the SOI are the NZFC’s commitment to:
- Create a strategy to encourage, enable and embrace Māori in the screen industry.
- Develop career pathways for those under-represented in the film sector, including women, Asian and Pasifika filmmakers.
- Administration of the New Zealand Screen Production Grants, which support local projects and draw international productions to New Zealand, acting as a catalyst for industry growth.
- Support successful film businesses through devolved development schemes and producers’ enterprises.
- Keep abreast of the screen sector’s rapid technological advancement.
The SPE outlines how the NZFC assesses its performance against its medium-term goals and provides targets, budgets and performance measures for the year ending 30 June 2018.
You can read the NZFC’s Statement of Intent here, and the Statement of Performance Expectations here.