Under the 30 April 2020 amendment to the Crown Entities Act (2004), the New Zealand Film Commission (NZFC) has requested and been granted a one-month extension to the publication of its 2020/21 Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE).
This extension was granted by the Minister due to uncertainties and challenges brought about by COVID-19, particularly in relation to the NZFC’s ability to accurately forecast financial and non-financial performance. The NZFC was not able to adequately assess how its future operations would be affected by potential changes to its Lotteries Grants Board revenue due to COVID-19.
The one-month extension will enable the NZFC to provide a better quality SPE with forecasts and budgets based on more accurate information.
The NZFC’s 2020/21 SPE will be published on the website by 31 July 2020.