Tēnā koutou rau rangatira ma,
Kia tau iho rā ngā tauwhirotanga o te runga rawa ki a koutou katoa.
The CEOs of Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga (NZFC), Te Māngai Pāho and Irirangi te Motu (NZ On Air) have resolved to further postpone Round 2 of Ara ki Te Puna Kairangi -The Premium Development Fund. This decision has not been made lightly but takes into consideration additional pressures to the screen sector because of the current lockdown situation, and the fact that the NZFC is launching multiple new rounds in the next two weeks were important contributors to this decision.
New dates for the round will be released as soon as possible.
Kia haumaru te noho, kia atawhai tātou ki a tātou katoa
Stay safe and be kind to one another
Please direct any enquiries to:
Kay Ellmers
Kaihautū-Te Puna Kairangi | Co-Head Premium Production Fund
Stay Safe.