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NZWG - Seed Development Grants

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The New Zealand Film Commission collaborates with the New Zealand Writers’ Guild (NZWG) for early script development under the name Seed Funding.

Seed Grants offer an opportunity for writers to create feature film scripts. Seed Grants provide money for writers to help their projects progress to the stage where they may apply to our Feature Film Development Funding, or continue to be developed independently.

There are now two types of Seed Grant available.

Seed Grants

Seed Grants are offered over two rounds with a total of eight grants of $10,000 (+ GST) for the development of a first draft of a feature film script. Included in each grant is $2,500 (+ GST) for script consultation.

For full details, conditions and criteria, see the NZWG Seed page.

Seed Advanced Grants

Seed Advanced Grants are offered over two rounds with a total of four grants of $12,500 (+ GST) for the development of feature film scripts. Seed Advanced Grants are open to established writers who have more than one hour of scripted broadcast credits. Included in each grant is $2,500 (+ GST) for further development of the script. This can include, but is not limited to workshops, table reads, research and employing script consultants.

Applicants can only apply to one fund per round – either Seed or Seed Advanced. However, more than one application may be submitted per round.

For full details, see the NZWG Seed Advanced Page.

Last updated: 
Friday, 31 January 2025