The Winter Boy
FilmA mother tries to comfort her grieving son, but on each attempt her son’s silence becomes more and more deafening. An outing to the local aquarium places further strain on their troubled relationship - until her son finds a reason to let his mother...
Dean Spanley
FilmAdapted by Alan Sharp (Rob Roy), Dean Spanley is directed by UK-born, NZ raised Toa Fraser (No.2). A truly impressive international cast is led by eight-time Academy Award nominee Peter O’Toole (Venus, Lawrence of Arabia) and also features...
Film"Pelorus is a personal story that I have grown up with. I’ve been friends with the Sigglekow family since the mid 1980’s, when Chris Sigglekow was at the height of his bungy jumping development. Now he is my father-in-law. To tell...
FilmEven stray dogs remain elusive to Little Man, a nine-year-old boy who seeks to understand the remote world around him. He finds refuge with Kid, his younger, autistic sister who provides Little Man with a brief glimpse of another world. When Kid is...
FilmRalph Hotere is hailed as one of New Zealand's greatest artists, having exhibited throughout Europe, the USA, Canada, Japan, Brazil, England and Australia. In New Zealand he has executed a number of large public works, designed theatre sets,...
Lowdown Dirty Criminals
FilmWhen Freddy loses his job delivering pizza, he and his best buddy Marvin find work with a small-time crook Spiggs. After they botch a straightforward job, Spiggs sends them on a fool’s errand - to kill gangster Donny Kong who's been sleeping...
Two Cars, One Night
FilmDIRECTOR’S NOTES - Ainsley Gardiner & Catherine Fitzgerald “There are a few moments in childhood that have a lasting impact. Not because they change the course of your life, or because they arrive with any great fanfare, in fact...
Film -
FilmIntricately handmade from paper and cardboard, this stop-motion animated tragicomedy follows Danny, a university Geography tutor, as he and his students stray from the syllabus in order to break new academic ground. After managing only to break some...
Crooked Earth
FilmWill Bastion (Temuera Morrison) returns from 20 years service in the New Zealand Army to Raukura, his hometown, to face the biggest challenge of his life. His father has died, leaving a sacred greenstone patu, the symbol of leadership, to him. He doesn...
Film6 months’ pregnant Rose celebrates her son Jaden’s 6th birthday. Amongst the new presents is a strange clickity-clack wooden toy - Vaspy. While cleaning up the next day, Rose unknowingly gets “stung” by it, and starts to crave...
Ways to See
FilmAmaia is a young girl living with her depressed mother in an inner-city apartment. With no family or friends close by, she desperately seeks out her absent father. Believing that a mysterious woman can reconnect them, Amaia goes to extreme lengths to win...
The Little Things
FilmD I R E C T O R ’ S N O T E S “The stronger the wind, the stronger the trees” -J. Williard Marriott “When I began writing the little things I knew from the outset that I wanted it to be a story that whispered and didn’t...
Cinema Of Unease
FilmPart of the British Film Institute’s Century of Cinema series in which some of the world’s most respected directors investigate their national cinema. Cinema of Unease examines the cultural and historic context from which the New Zealand...
Hunga Taunaki ā Rorohiko - Online Mentorship Programme Deadline
EventThe deadline for Hunga Taunaki ā Rorohiko - Online Mentorship Programme is 1pm.
FilmSolo, a young Samoan interpreter for a Native Court in Colonial, New Zealand Samoa, does what he thinks is best for his people and at times lies as he translates. However, High Chief Nua who's charged with trespass, understands and speaks English....
FilmLynn discovers her 16-year-old son, Shaun, is having a secret relationship with a woman, Amanda, fifteen years his senior. Although Lynn subjects Shaun to a disciplinary lifestyle, he remains hell-bent on being with Amanda and intends to live with her...
Sonny, My Older Brother
FilmPor likes to daydream. He dreams about all the cool things he and Sonny do, Swimming and climbing trees. When Sonny gets a hiding Por makes the decision to help his older brother with his chores as well.
FilmIn 2032, a pandemic has killed most of the world’s population. Zealandia is the last territory to remain virus free. Everything arriving from the outside world is submitted to intensive biosecurity checking, including humans. Refugees flock to...
Daddy's Girl (Kōtiro)
FilmTe Puhi prepares herself for the toughest day of her life. Her father, Tui prepares a boil up for his girl. The two share a traditional meal when the harsh reality of her father's dementia forces Te Puhi to face the painful truth that she must let go...
Spring Jam
FilmSome stags get all the birds. But not Lone Stag. He lacks a certain something on the antlers front: antlers. And without them he has little chance of getting any birds to help him make music for the spring jam. So far Lone Stag has recruited one...
Hunga Taunaki ā Rorohiko - Online Mentorship Programme Decision Date
EventDecisions for Hunga Taunaki ā Rorohiko - Online Mentorship Programme wil be made by 5pm on Friday 4 March 2022.
FilmFrank is 11, and he's a stuntman. At least in his imagination. He's decided to pull off a death-defying leap, and he can probably do it. The trouble is, his little sister has been following him around all day, and she's determined to keep up...
Dangerous Ride
FilmDIRECTOR’S NOTES I intend this film to challenge audiences – the story is tense from the get go, the meeting of the characters is fraught with emotional strain, but Martin and Renee, while not always sympathetic, have charm. They are both...
February Board Meeting (Strategy Day)
EventThe February 2022 Board Meeting is a strategy day only. There is no Production Financing round associated with this meeting.
Do No Harm
FilmDo No Harm explores the first corruption of a woman’s moral code. It is the short film prequel to a feature film project, Black Lotus. The strand pulled under pressure in Do No Harm leads to a more dangerous unravelling of humanity in the larger...
Early Development/Documentary Development/Hāpaitia I te Kaupapa Kiriata: Māori Feature Film Support and Tuhinga Reo Māori: Te Reo Māori Development Fund (January Round)Decision Date
EventEarly Development/Documentary Development/Hāpaitia I te Kaupapa Kiriata: Māori Feature Film Support and Tuhinga Reo Māori: Te Reo Māori Development Fund decisions will be made by 5pm.
Early Development/Documentary Development/Hāpaitia I te Kaupapa Kiriata: Māori Feature Film Support and Tuhinga Reo Māori: Te Reo Māori Development Fund Deadline
EventThe deadline for Early Development/Documentary Development/Hāpaitia I te Kaupapa Kiriata: Māori Feature Film Support and Tuhinga Reo Māori: Te Reo Māori Development Fund is 1pm.
Te Puna Kairangi - Premium Fund Deadline
EventThe deadline for Te Puna Kairangi - Premium Fund is 1pm.
Board Applications due 1pm
EventApplications to the Board for production financing are due at 1pm.
October Board Meeting
EventOctober 2022 Board Meeting
Board Applications due 1pm
EventApplications to the Board for production financing are due at 1pm.
August Board Meeting
EventAugust 2022 Board Meeting
Board Applications due 1pm
EventApplications to the Board for production financing are due at 1pm.
April Board Meeting
EventApril 2022 Board Meeting
Board Applications Due 1pm
EventApplications to the Board for production financing are due at 1pm.