Internship Opportunity Deadline
EventThe deadline for applying for internship opportunities is 1pm.
Early Development/Documentary Development/Hāpaitia I te Kaupapa Kiriata: Māori Feature Film Support and Tuhinga Reo Māori: Te Reo Māori Development Fund Decision Date
EventThe decisions for the March round of Early Development, Documentary Development, Hāpaitia I te Kaupapa Kiriata: Māori Feature Film Support and Tuhinga Reo Māori: Te Reo Māori Development Funding will be made by 5pm
Early Development/Documentary Development/Hāpaitia I te Kaupapa Kiriata: Māori Feature Film Support and Tuhinga Reo Māori: Te Reo Māori Development Fund Deadline
EventThe deadline for Early Development, Documentary Development, Hāpaitia I te Kaupapa Kiriata: Māori Feature Film Support and Tuhinga Reo Māori: Te Reo Māori Development Fund is 1pm.
Early Development/Documentary Development/Hāpaitia I te Kaupapa Kiriata: Māori Feature Film Support and Tuhinga Reo Māori: Te Reo Māori Development Fund Deadline
EventThe deadline for Early Development, Documentary Development, Hāpaitia I te Kaupapa Kiriata: Māori Feature Film Support and Tuhinga Reo Māori: Te Reo Māori Development Fund is 1pm.
Early Development/Documentary Development/Hāpaitia I te Kaupapa Kiriata: Māori Feature Film Support and Tuhinga Reo Māori: Te Reo Māori Development Fund Deadline
EventThe deadline for Early Development, Documentary Development, Hāpaitia I te Kaupapa Kiriata: Māori Feature Film Support and Tuhinga Reo Māori: Te Reo Māori Development Fund is 1pm.
Early Development/Documentary Development/Hāpaitia I te Kaupapa Kiriata: Māori Feature Film Support and Tuhinga Reo Māori: Te Reo Māori Development Fund Deadline
EventThe deadline for Early Development, Documentary Development, Hāpaitia I te Kaupapa Kiriata: Māori Feature Film Support and Tuhinga Reo Māori: Te Reo Māori Development Fund is 1pm.
Early Development/Documentary Development/Hāpaitia I te Kaupapa Kiriata: Māori Feature Film Support and Tuhinga Reo Māori: Te Reo Māori Development Fund Deadline
EventThe deadline for Early Development, Documentary Development, Hāpaitia I te Kaupapa Kiriata: Māori Feature Film Support and Tuhinga Reo Māori: Te Reo Māori Development Fund is 1pm.
Te Aupounamu Māori Screen Excellence Award Deadline
EventThe new deadline for Te Aupounamu Māori Screen Excellence Award is 1pm.
Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts Stage Two Deadline
EventStage Two applications for Kōpere Hou- Fresh Shorts are due at 1pm.
December Board Meeting
EventThe December Board Meeting will be held 1 & 2 December 2020.
Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts Stage One Decision
EventThe Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts Stage One applicants who will be invited to apply for Whiringa Tuarua - Stage Two will be announced the week beginning 16 November 2020.
March Board Meeting
EventMarch 2021 Board Meeting
May Board Meeting
EventMay 2021 Board Meeting
September Board Meeting
EventSeptember 2021 Board Meeting
December Board Meeting
EventDecember 2021 Board Meeting
Strategic Training Fund Decisions - Stage Two
EventThe decisions for the Strategic Training Fund - Stage Two will be announced.
Strategic Training Fund Decision - Stage One
EventFunding decisions for the Strategic Training Fund - Stage One will be announced.
He Ara Funding Decision
EventThe recipient(s) of He Ara will be notified the week beginning 30 November 2020.
Catalyst He Kauahi Deadline
EventThe deadline for Catalyst He Kauahi is 1pm
Strategic Training Fund Deadline - Stage Two
EventThe deadline for the Strategic Training Fund - Stage Two is 1pm.
Strategic training Fund Deadline - Stage One
EventThe deadline for the Strategic Training Fund - Stage One is 1pm.
Board Applications due 1pm
EventApplications to the Board for production financing are due at 1pm.
Board Applications due 1pm
EventApplications to the Board for production financing are due at 1pm.
He Ara Deadline
EventThe deadline for He Ara Development Fund is 1pm.
Te Aupounamu Māori Screen Excellence Award Deadline
EventThe deadline for nominations for Te Aupounamu Māori Screen Excellence Award is 1pm.
Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts Stage One Deadline
EventStage One applications for Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts close at 1pm.
Whakawhanake Te Ao Niko- Interactive Development Fund Deadline
EventThe deadline for Whakawhanake Te Ao Niko | Interactive Development Fund is 1pm
Te Aupounamu Māori Excellence Award Deadline
EventNominations for the Te Aupounamu Māori Excellence Award are due at 1pm.
Te Rautaki Māori Feature Film Initiative Deadline
EventApplications for Te Rautaki Māori Feature Film Initiative are due at 9am.
Te Aupounamu The Māori Screen Excellence Award Deadline
EventNominations for Te Aupounamu The Māori Screen Excellence Award close at 5pm.
Hunga Taunaki ā Rorohiko - Online Mentorship Programme deadline
EventThe deadline for Hunga Taunaki ā Rorohiko - Online Mentorship Programme is 1pm.
2020 Gender Scholarship Deadline
EventThe deadline for nominations for the 2020 Gender Scholarship is 1pm
Boost and Boost Up Deadline
EventThe deadline for Boost and Boost Up Funding is 1pm.
Early Development Fund Deadline 1pm
EventEarly Development and Whakawhanake Kiriata: Māori Film Development Fund are due at 1pm
Early Development Fund Deadline 1pm
EventEarly Development and Whakawhanake Kiriata: Māori Film Development Fund are due at 1pm
Early Development Fund Deadline 1pm
EventEarly Development and Whakawhanake Kiriata: Māori Film Development Fund applications are due at 1pm