Venice Film Festival
ResourceFounded in 1932, the Venice Film Festival is the world's oldest film festival. The festival is widely considered to be a showcase for international auteur cinema and is among the top five in the world in terms of prestige and as an industry event...
Toronto International Film Festival
ResourceThe Toronto International Film Festival is a key festival for launching independent productions. The festival (or TIFF) is often referred to as a test event for American and European independent productions, providing good opportunities for...
School Study Guides
ResourceAre you studying a New Zealand film at school? We have created school study guides for some films we have funded. These study guides can be used in conjunction with NCEA requirements.
Seed Grants
Funding InformationNew Zealand Writers Guild (NZWG) Seed grants offer an opportunity for writers to develop feature film scripts without a producer attached. NZWG Seed funds supported by New Zealand Film Commission: Assistance for writers with the development of...
Statement of Performance Expectations 2023/24
ResourceIssue date: 3 Jul 2023This is the Film Commission's Statement of Performance Expectations for the year ending June 30 2024.
Feature Film Finishing Grant Guidelines
ResourceThe Feature Film Finishing Grant helps independent filmmakers to finish their fims so they are ready to be seen by cinema audiences. Read these helpful guidelines before applying for a Feature Film Finishing Grant.
Feature Film Finishing Fund
Funding InformationThe Feature Film Finishing Fund helps independent filmmakers over the final hurdle of post production and into cinemas. What we fund The final stages of post production for feature-length films that require a theatrical digital finish (full HD or...
NZSPR Template - Non-Arm's Length Expenditure
ResourceUse this template to declare non-arm's length expenditure in New Zealand Screen Production Rebate applications.
NZSPR Template - General Ledger
ResourceThis document provides an example of the General Ledger requirement for New Zealand Screen Production Rebate applications.
NZSPR Template - Travel Schedule
ResourceUse this template to log cast & crew travel for your NZSPR Final (or Interim) application.
NZSPR Info Sheet - Promotional Materials Schedule
ResourcePromotional materials are required with all Final applications for the New Zealand Screen Production Rebate.
NZSPG International Criteria - 1 July 2017 (Updated 2019)
ResourceIssue date: 31 Oct 2019Download the current NZSPG-International Criteria here (Updated 2019).
NZSPR Template - Expenditure Statement for International Productions
ResourceUse this Expenditure Statement Template for the New Zealand Screen Production Rebate for International Productions.
NZSPR Template - Expenditure Statement for New Zealand Productions
ResourceExpenditure Statements are required with all New Zealand Screen Production Rebate applications.
NZSPG Criteria for New Zealand Productions (1 July 2017)
ResourceDownload the New Zealand Screen Production Grant Criteria for New Zealand Productions dated 1 July 1 2017:
NZFC Interactive Budget Template
ResourceIssue date: 18 Aug 2023 -
NZFC Response to 2023/2024 Letter of Expectations
ResourceIssue date: 7 Aug 2023NZFC Response to 2023/2024 Letter of Expectations.
Minister's Letter of Expectations 2023/24
ResourceIssue date: 7 Aug 2023Minister's Letter of Expectations 2023/24.
CE Expenses 2022/23
ResourceIssue date: 1 Aug 2023The CE's expenses June 2023.
Acting CE Expenses 2022/23
ResourceIssue date: 1 Aug 2023The Acting CE's expenses 1 July 2022 - 30 June 2023
Strategic Training Fund Guidelines
ResourceIssue date: 25 Sep 2020The Guidelines for the Strategic Training Fund.
Board Governance Manual
ResourceIssue date: 1 May 2023 -
Anti-Piracy Guidelines for Producers
ResourceTo help producers reduce the risk of piracy, we have developed guidelines that must be implemented in the post production of a feature film funded by the Film Commission. We also strongly recommend these guidelines be implemented...
Best Practice Guide - A Guide for Screenwriters and Producers Working Together
ResourceIssue date: 7 Jul 2023 -
The Brown Book Māori in Screen - By Melissa Wikaire & Dr Ella Henry
ResourceIssue date: 7 Jul 2023 -
Working with Māori in Screen Production
ResourceIssue date: 7 Jul 2023 -
Urutahi Koataata Māori - Working with Māori in Film & Television
ResourceIssue date: 7 Jul 2023 -
Screen Capability - Business Innovation Programme Guidelines June 2023
ResourceIssue date: 26 Jun 2023 -
Demographic Template for Industry Organisation Core Support Fund
ResourceIssue date: 9 May 2023 -
Annual Report 2021/22
ResourceIssue date: 8 Dec 2022This is the New Zealand Film Commission's Annual Report for 2021/22.
Being Heard Report
ResourceIssue date: 20 Sep 2022A report on a 2019 survey on gender, diversity and inclusion in the Aotearoa New Zealand screen industry.
Guide for New Filmmakers
ResourceAre you a new filmmaker? Here are some tips for scriptwriting, film production, distribution and marketing. You will also find links to some useful websites and articles . We will regularly update this section but if you find anything...
Feature Film Finishing Fund Submission Checklist
ResourceIssue date: 28 Mar 2022The submission checklist for the Feature Film Finishing Fund
Distribution Fund
Funding InformationThe Distribution Fund helps distributors of NZFC-funded New Zealand films maximise the domestic theatrical audience. What we fund Financial assistance for domestic distributors of NZFC-funded New Zealand feature films to help maximise the New...
He Pounamu Te Reo Māori Feature Film Initiative
Funding InformationHe Pounamu Te Reo Māori Feature Film Initiative is an annual fund for the production of narrative feature films in Te Reo Māori. This fund aims to increase the number of films produced in Te Reo Māori and create a culturally approriate...
Annual Report 2020/21
ResourceIssue date: 15 Dec 2021This is the New Zealand Film Commission's Annual Report for 2020/21