Pete's Dragon Uplift Statement
ResourcePete's Dragon Uplift Statement.
Statement of Intent 2013-2016
ResourceIssue date: 15 Dec 2013This is the New Zealand Film Commission's Statement of Intent for the years 2013-2016
Te Rautaki Māori - Te Reo
ResourceIssue date: 27 Apr 2018The document outlining Te Rautaki Māori in Te Reo
Te Rautaki Māori - English
ResourceIssue date: 27 Apr 2018The document outlining Te Rautaki Māori in English
Annual Report 2017/18
ResourceIssue date: 28 Nov 2018This is the New Zealand Film Commission's Annual Report for 2017/18
Urutahi Koataata Māori
ResourceIssue date: 28 Aug 2019A guide to working with the Māori screen industry.
The Brown Book
ResourceIssue date: 28 Aug 2019A guide to working with Māori in the screen industry.
Ngā Aho Whakaari Working with Māori in Screen Production
ResourceIssue date: 20 Feb 2020Ngā Aho Whakaari's document on Working with Māori in Screen Production
March Board Meeting
EventMarch 2021 Board Meeting
May Board Meeting
EventMay 2021 Board Meeting
September Board Meeting
EventSeptember 2021 Board Meeting
December Board Meeting
EventDecember 2021 Board Meeting
Strategic Training Fund Decisions - Stage Two
EventThe decisions for the Strategic Training Fund - Stage Two will be announced.
Strategic Training Fund Decision - Stage One
EventFunding decisions for the Strategic Training Fund - Stage One will be announced.
He Ara Funding Decision
EventThe recipient(s) of He Ara will be notified the week beginning 30 November 2020.
Catalyst He Kauahi Deadline
EventThe deadline for Catalyst He Kauahi is 1pm
Strategic Training Fund Deadline - Stage Two
EventThe deadline for the Strategic Training Fund - Stage Two is 1pm.
Strategic training Fund Deadline - Stage One
EventThe deadline for the Strategic Training Fund - Stage One is 1pm.
Board Applications due 1pm
EventApplications to the Board for production financing are due at 1pm.
Board Applications due 1pm
EventApplications to the Board for production financing are due at 1pm.
He Ara Deadline
EventThe deadline for He Ara Development Fund is 1pm.
Te Aupounamu Māori Screen Excellence Award Deadline
EventThe deadline for nominations for Te Aupounamu Māori Screen Excellence Award is 1pm.
Film Distribution Grants Guidelines
ResourceIssue date: 22 Sep 2020We offer financial assistance to domestic distributors of NZFC-funded New Zealand feature films to help maximise the New Zealand domestic theatrical audience. Read these helpful guidelines to assist you.
Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts Stage One Deadline
EventStage One applications for Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts close at 1pm.
Whakawhanake Te Ao Niko- Interactive Development Fund Deadline
EventThe deadline for Whakawhanake Te Ao Niko | Interactive Development Fund is 1pm
Fresh Shorts Sample Delivery Schedule
ResourceIssue date: 22 Sep 2020A sample delivery schedule for Fresh Shorts funding
Sample Short Film Script - My Friend Michael Jones
ResourceIssue date: 22 Sep 2020A sample short film script - My Friend Michael Jones
Sample Short Film Script - Shadow Cut
ResourceIssue date: 22 Sep 2020A sample short film script - Shadow Cut
Te Aupounamu Māori Excellence Award Deadline
EventNominations for the Te Aupounamu Māori Excellence Award are due at 1pm.
Te Rautaki Māori Feature Film Initiative Deadline
EventApplications for Te Rautaki Māori Feature Film Initiative are due at 9am.
Te Aupounamu The Māori Screen Excellence Award Deadline
EventNominations for Te Aupounamu The Māori Screen Excellence Award close at 5pm.
Tautoko Tāngata - Māori Talent Development Guidelines
ResourceIssue date: 5 Feb 2020The guidelines for the Tautoko Tāngata-Māori Talent Development Fund.
Tautoko Tāngata Te Whakawhanake Pūmanawa Māori He Aratohu mā ngā Kaitono
ResourceIssue date: 24 Feb 2020Guidelines for the Tautoko Tāngata Māori Talent Development fund in te reo Māori
CE Expenses 2019/20
ResourceIssue date: 27 Jul 2020The CE's expenses from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020
Hunga Taunaki ā Rorohiko - Online Mentorship Programme deadline
EventThe deadline for Hunga Taunaki ā Rorohiko - Online Mentorship Programme is 1pm.
Distributor and Sales Agent Information Sheet
ResourceThis information sheet answers some frequently asked questions around distribution deals, film distribution grants and sales agents. If you have further questions please contact our marketing team.