NZFC Diversity and Inclusion Committee Terms of Reference
ResourceIssue date: 6 Apr 2022The terms of reference for the NZFC's Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Filming in New Zealand
PageCOVID-19 UPDATE You will find a fact sheet around border entry for the screen sector here. New Zealand is known for delivering some of the largest and most complex international productions imaginable. You’ll find our natural and commercial...
The NZFC’s Definition of Underrepresented Communities in the NZ Film Industry
ResourceIssue date: 1 Dec 2021The NZFC has identified the following groups as underrepresented: Māori, Pacific peoples, Asian communities, MELAA (Middle Eastern, Latin American and African), women, gender diverse, LGBTQIA+ communities, people with a disability,...
Audience Engagement Plan Information Sheet
ResourceThis information sheet outlines the minimum detail required in your Audience Engagement Plan. Every project is different, and will have different audience appeal. However, we expect everyone seeking our investment to have a clear understanding of who...
Film Festivals in New Zealand
ResourceIssue date: 19 Oct 2018The following is a selection of annual film festivals in New Zealand that screen New Zealand films. Whānau Mārama: New Zealand International Film Festival Whānau Mārama: New Zealand International Film Festival is a national event featuring a programme...
Partner Organisations
PageThe Film Commission has a number of strong partnerships with funding bodies and film-related organisations both in New Zealand and overseas. New Zealand Funding Bodies Creative New Zealand NZ On Air Te Māngai Pāho Film-Related...
PageHello, Here at the New Zealand Film Commission we fund the development and production of New Zealand films and we administer the New Zealand Government’s incentive scheme. We also support and encourage official and non-official co-productions to be made...
About Us
PageGrowing the New Zealand film industry We support a diverse range of New Zealand and international stories to be told here and seen everywhere. We promote our talented individuals and our industry’s reputation for creativity, innovation and superb...
Premium Fund Interim Production Round Deliverables
ResourceIssue date: 13 Sep 2021The deliverables, by format, for the Premium Fund Interim Production Round.
Premium Fund Interim Production Round Submission Checklist
ResourceIssue date: 13 Sep 2021The submission checklist for the Premium Fund Interim Production Round.
CE Expenses 2020/21
ResourceIssue date: 30 Jul 2021The CE's expenses 1 July 2020 - 30 June 2021
Ara ki Te Puna Kairangi – The Premium Development Fund Submission Checklist
ResourceIssue date: 9 Mar 2021The submission checklist for Ara ki Te Puna Kairangi – The Premium Development Fund.
Statement of Performance Expectations 2022
ResourceIssue date: 30 Jun 2021This is the Film Commission's Statement of Performance Expectations for the year ending June 30 2022.
Privacy Policy
PageLast updated 30 November 2020 Introduction Your privacy is important to the New Zealand Film Commission (NZFC, Us or We). The NZFC is a crown entity established under New Zealand law, pursuant to the New Zealand Film Commission Act 1978. Its statutory...
Te Ahi Kā
PageTe Ahi Kā ('the home fire') is an initiative to ensure New Zealand films have a life far beyond their festival premiere or initial release. It will ensure that future generations can enjoy our films for years to come. Celebrating New Zealand...
FAQ for Premium Productions for International Audiences Fund (Pūtea Kiriata Hiranga)
ResourceIssue date: 15 Feb 2021A document with answers to frequently asked questions about the Premium Productions for International Audiences Fund (Te Puna Kairangi Premium Fund).
International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam - IDFA
ResourceThe International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) is considered one of the the most important documentary festivals in the world. It is also, in terms of visitors, the largest. Who goes? The project market "Forum" is an...
Cannes Film Festival
ResourceThe Cannes Film Festival is the world's most famous film festival. What are the different sections? International Competition (feature and short films) Out of Competition; Un Certain Regard and Cinefondation (medium-length and short films...
Te Rautaki Māori 2019/20
ResourceIssue date: 30 Nov 2020He poipoi i ngā kaitātaki pūrākau kia puta ai he taonga tūturu mō Aotearoa. Champion exceptional story tellers to create enduring taonga for Aotearoa Te Rautaki Māori 2018-2021 celebrates the unique and distinctive culture of Aotearoa...
Annual Report 2019/20
ResourceIssue date: 27 Jan 2021This is the New Zealand Film Commission's Annual Report for 2019/20.
Funding and Support
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Develop Your Projects and Skills
PageNeed some help getting a film project off the ground? The Film Commission has a variety of initiatives to help aspiring and new filmmakers develop their projects and skills.
Getting Your Film Seen
PageWe want New Zealand films to be enjoyed both here and overseas. Local We expect all the films we fund to be seen in New Zealand cinemas. We know New Zealand films need help going up against international films with far larger budgets and...
Getting Your Film Made
PageOnce you have developed a script for a feature or short film then you will want to make it. There are many legal and financial requirements for making a film, which can take a lot of work. Some hard work early on can save a lot of time and money in...
Funding programmes
PageFind out about all the different funding programmes we have to develop films and careers at every level.
Pageこんにちは ニュージーランド・フィルムコミッションでは、ニュージーランド映画の企画・制作に資金を提供し、政府の映画産業振興策を管理運営しています。公式あるいは非公式の共同制作プロジェクトの支援・誘致も行っています。 コミッションには、日本語を話す職員(クリス・ペイン)がおります。ニュージーランドでの映画制作のほか、業務提携について関心をお持ちの方は、メール: Chris@nzfilm.co.nz またはお電話:+64 4 382 7697でお気軽にお問い合わせください。 また、...
Chinese 中文资料
Page新西兰电影委员会是专门资助新西兰影视行业开发和项目制作的官方机构,并且管理、执行新西兰政府提供的激励津贴和补助金计划 。 我们非常支持也鼓励官方合拍和非官方的协作项目,尤其是中-新影视合作,所以特为中国影人设备了下列的中文资料。 如果您有兴趣与我们合作,欢迎联络我们的:international@nzfilm.co.nz。谢谢! 关注我们的官方微信:
Te Reo Māori
PageKia ora, Kei Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga nei ka utua e mātou te whanaketanga me te huanga o ngā kiriata nō Aotearoa nei, ā, ka whakahaere mātou te manawarū kaupapa ā te Kawantanga. Ka tautokona, ā, ka ākina hoki e mātou kia hangaia ai ngā huanga kātipa me...
Ethnicity - Head Count Method 2019/20
ResourceIssue date: 4 Dec 2020Head Count 2019/20 The following data has been collated to show the ethnic diversity across the pool of creatives granted NZFC development and/or production funding during the 2019/20 financial year. Demographic data about key creatives...
NZSPG - New Zealand Productions 2019/20
ResourceIssue date: 17 Aug 2020The New Zealand Screen Production Grant (NZSPG) New Zealand Productions The New Zealand Screen Production Grant (NZSPG) offers grants for New Zealand productions with the purpose of building the sustainability of New Zealand’s screen...
Gender Identity - Project Count Method
ResourceIssue date: 17 Aug 2020Project Count 2019/20 The following data has been collated to show the representation of genders across projects that were granted development and/or production funding from the NZFC during the 2019/20 financial year. Figures and graphs on this...
Funding Volumes 2019/20
ResourceIssue date: 19 Nov 2020Development and Production Financing 2019/20 In the 2019/20 financial year, the NZFC continued to support New Zealand feature film projects through both direct and devolved funding for script development and...
Gender Identity - Head Count Method
ResourceIssue date: 17 Aug 2020Head Count 2019/20 The following analysis shows the representation of genders across the pool of creatives who have been granted development or production funding from the NZFC during the 2019/20 financial year. Capturing gender identity data is...
NZSPG - International Productions 2019/20
ResourceIssue date: 17 Aug 2020The New Zealand Screen Production Grant (NZSPG) International Productions The New Zealand Screen Production Grant (NZSPG) offers grants for international productions choosing to film in New Zealand, or using New Zealand companies for post-production,...
Statement of Performance Expectations 2021
ResourceIssue date: 30 Jul 2020This is the NZFC's Statement of Performance Expectations for the year ending 30 June 2021.
Statement of Performance Expectations 2020
ResourceIssue date: 29 Jul 2019This is the NZFC's Statement of Performance Expectations for the year ending 30 June 2020.